Podiatric Services
Cockerell Dermatopathology offers diagnostic excellence and unparalleled service in the evaluation of podiatric disorders.
Our podiatric services offering includes the following:
Diagnostic services encompassing podiatric related disease states such as nail, bone, skin and soft tissue disorders
Nail bed, matrix and biopsy interpretations available for tumors and inflammatory skin disorders
Diagnosis of onychomycosis using rapid PAS stain with professional interpretation to diagnose mycotic and non-mycotic causes of nail unit dystrophy
Fungal growth analysis via DTM agar for tinea infections such as onychomycosis, capitis and corporis
Peer-to-peer consultative discussions for any cases of concern and treatment recommendations available upon request
Daily internal diagnostic conferences with multiple dermatopathologists reviewing each difficult case
Streamlined requisition to simplify ordering process
In-network health insurance status that ensures a patient-friendly billing experience
Professional courier network for specimen pickup, as well as air-courier service for overnight delivery of specimens
Report delivery typically within 24-48 hours via internet results portal, courier, and fax; time-sensitive diagnosis available via telephonic reporting
We would be honored to have the opportunity to discuss ways we can partner to exceed the needs of your practice.